Promotion of inclusive and effective international tax cooperation at the United Nations

About: The United Nations A/C.2/77/L.11/Rev.1 of the Second Commission of the General Assembly (23th November 2022); The United Nations A/RES/77/441 of the General Assembly (30th December 2022), and The report A/78/235 of the Secretary-General of the United Nations (26th July 2023).


  • Eva Andrés-Aucejo University of Barcelona


International tax cooperation, general agreement, multilateral convention, intergovernmental committee, global tax governance, international trade


This article analyzes and praises the global tax policy-making policies adopted by the United Nations Resolutions A/C.2/77/L.11/Rev.1 of the Second Commission of the General Assembly (23th November 2022); The United Nations A/RES/77/441 of the General Assembly (30th December 2022), and The report A/78/235 of the Secretary-General of the United Nations (26th July 2023), on Effective and Inclusive International Tax Cooperation in the United Nations. These policies include the possibility of adoption of a new agreement, or multilateral instrument on international tax cooperation and the creation of an intergovernmental committee for international tax cooperation.

This paper suggests that the new regulations could be a turning point in international tax cooperation, leading to a new framework of cooperation and governance for international relations. This opens up the possibility of a new Global Tax Order, which we have advocated for. It seems that significant changes in international tax cooperation are imminent, with a new era of tax governance and cooperative relationships on the horizon.

The article discusses the most important aspects of Report A/78/235, focusing on the need to adopt certain tax policy-making measures for international tax cooperation, by developing our previous scientific research and international conferences on these matters.

Author Biography

Eva Andrés-Aucejo, University of Barcelona

Professor of Financial and Tax Law. University of Barcelona. Extraordinary award in both PhD in Law and in Law Degree. Economic Sciences and Business Degree. Researcher and consultant of the Global Forum on Law, Justice and Development of the World Bank. Tax Committee (2019-22). Email:


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ANDRÉS-AUCEJO, Eva (2021). “Toward a global consensus on the taxation of the digital economy included as one of the general bases of a global framework agreement on international tax cooperation and global tax governance. Researching in global policy/rulemaking (going on UN 2030 Agenda and Addis Ababa Action Agenda)”, in OWENS, J., ANDRÉS-AUCEJO, E., NICOLI, M., SEN, J., OLESTI-RAYO, R., LOPEZ-RODRIGUEZ, J., & PINTO-NOGUEIRA, J. (Dir) (2021) Global Tax Governance: Taxation on digital economy transfer pricing and litigation in tax matters policies for global sustainability. Thomson Reuters, pp. 115-142.

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ANDRÉS-AUCEJO, Eva (2023). A new Principle of International Tax Cooperation. Book of procedures of international tax congress ECONOMIC AND TAX GLOBAL GOVERNANCE, GOOD GOVERNMENT AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN THE DIGITALIZED AGE (WWW.RIEEL.COM, VOL.1, N.3, FEBRARY 2023, MISCELLANY). 24-25 NOVEMBER 2022.

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OWENS, Jeffrey, ANDRÉS-AUCEJO, Eva, REMIRO BROTONS, Antonio (2023). A new Global Tax Legal Order, Review of international and European economic law, Vol. 2, N. 3, 2023.

FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT- PREPARATORY WORK N. 1 UNIDROIT. Rome - International Meeting. (I Preparatory work). International Meeting (2018). The Framework Agreement on International Tax Cooperation and Global Tax Governance (and other Global Tax Policy Models ongoing UN 2030 & Addis Ababa Action Agendas). (I Preparatory Work). Capacity Building- POLICY MAKING: Global Tax Policies on International Tax Cooperation and Global Tax Governance. ROME; Tuesday, 26 March 2018. Venue: UNIDROIT. Dirs. Jeffrey Owens, Marco Nicoli, Eva Andrés-Aucejo. Rapporteur: Eva ANDRÉS-AUCEJO.

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INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS. ECONOMIC AND TAX GLOBAL, GOVERNANCE, GOOD GOVERNMENT AND GLOBAL TAX GOVERNANCE IN THE DIGITAZILZED AGE. Venue: Faculty of Law. University of Barcelona, Thursday 24th, November, 2022, Friday, 25th, November 2022

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DER.15-68768-P Project: International Administrative Co-Operation in Tax Matters and ADR of Transnational Tax Disputes and Models for an Institutional Architecture from a European Perspective- EUDISCOOP PROJECT.

DER 2017-90874-REDT -GOTA-INTAXCOOP & GOV: The Global Observatory on Tax Agencies: Towards on the International Tax Cooperation and Global Governance.

FBG- 311868 (SDG & TAXATION) TAXATION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS International Project: “Policy-making on , and as main financial sources for Global Sustainability (SDG 2030 UN & A. ABABA A. Agendas). And output Project of the Excellence Network of the Spanish Minister of Economy and Competitiviness DER 2017-90874-REDT -GOTA-INTAXCOOP & GOV: The Global Observatory on Tax Agencies: Towards International Tax Cooperation and Global Governance (directed by Eva Andrés) and supported by the Global Tax Policy Center of Vienna (GTPC), the United Nations, the CIAT and the Fiscal Studies Institute of the Spanish Financial Minister., etc.

Review of International and European Economic Law, Miscelania, vol. 1, n. 1 and vol. 2, n. 3




How to Cite

Andrés-Aucejo, E. (2023). Promotion of inclusive and effective international tax cooperation at the United Nations: About: The United Nations A/C.2/77/L.11/Rev.1 of the Second Commission of the General Assembly (23th November 2022); The United Nations A/RES/77/441 of the General Assembly (30th December 2022), and The report A/78/235 of the Secretary-General of the United Nations (26th July 2023). Review of International and European Economic Law, 2(4), A5.1-A5.27. Retrieved from

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