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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements in APA v7 outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

I. Rules for submitting originals

1.1. Authorship data.

Contributions to the Review of International and European Economic Law must contain the following points:

  • Name and two surnames (if applicable)
  • Academic degree or professional situation of the author(s) (updated)
  • Full name of the Center/ Department/ Institution to which the authors/ Country belong.
  • Electronic address of the authors

Note: The corresponding authors must include their name, postal address, telephone number and email.

1.2. Header.

The first page of the article must contain the following aspects:

  1. Title of the work, in English 
  2. Name of the author(s) according to authorship data (see section 1.1)
  3. Keywords in English (5 to 10 lexemes or descriptors)
  4. Summary of the article in English (abstract, no more than 20 lines) that should be structured, as far as possible, as follows:
    1. Introduction (which includes the object or purpose of the research)
    2. Methodology and basic procedures used (design, selection of methods and experimentation or analysis techniques)
    3. Results (qualitative and quantitative, if applicable)
    4. Conclusions and inferences.
  5. Summary and Keywords translated to Spanish and French. (However, the main text must be in ENGLISH)

1.3. Font

The original texts should be in DIN-A 4, in Times New Roman font, 12 Cpi and spacing 1.5 Interlinear. Footnotes will be included in Times New Roman font size 10 Cpi with single line spacing.

1.4. Length

The length should not exceed 20 pages in research and studies, written according to the typeface and spacing provided in the section. 

1.5. Graphs, tables and tables.

Tables and tables will be numbered consecutively according to the type of medium (table, graph, etc.), including those that contribute meaningful information about the study, research or teaching experience. Authors must provide high-quality files with their corresponding titles and captions.

1.6. Symbols and abbreviations.       

Except for those for international usage and standardised symbols and abbreviations, authors shall avoid both as much as possible. If its use is necessary, authors must include the meaning in parentheses the first time mentioned.

1.7. Presentation of originals.

Authors must use our platform to submit originals. The submission must follow the originality requirement and cannot be previously published nor submitted to another journal for consideration (exceptional cases must be on "Comments to the Editor").

1.8 Motivated communication.

On the part of the RIEEL management, assumed by the director of the editorial board, there is an express commitment to respond to requests for the publication of articles that reach the journal's editorial board.

The maximum period in which it will be obliged to reply will be 15 days after the originals arrive at the editorial office.

II. Citations

2.1 Textual citations

Textual citations or specific bibliographic references will follow the order (APA References) in alphabetical order, non distinguishing between articles and books. Authors can consult these standards on the website:

Bibliographic references should be in the body text according to the following scheme: author, year of publication and page, developing the complete citation in the bibliographic references or bibliography indexed to the end of the article. Ex. (SCHNEIDER, O. 1993, 38).

Authors may use the footnotes for legal texts to reference jurisprudence, legislation, and international and regional organisations' documentation.

Our XML viewer shows conventional footnotes as notes in the document's margin. Preferably the content of the footnote should be explanatory notes. 

2.2. Bibliography

At the end of the article, a compilation of the bibliographic references will be included, arranged alphabetically by the first author's surname. The citations must conform to the APA style manual cited above.

III. Peer Review Process

3.1 Double-blind peer review system

Papers must be reported favourably by two external reviewers assigned anonymously by the Editorial Committee (also known as the double system of «blind judges» or peer review system). The Review of International and European Economic Law has a list of external evaluators, made up of professors and researchers who are experts in the field and appointed by the Editorial Committee. The selection of external reviewers will be made based on academic merits, teaching curriculum vitae and professional experience. External reviewers follow an external evaluation protocol prepared by the Editorial Board of the RIEEL. This evaluation protocol contains a set of descriptors that may justify the acceptance-rejection of the original. In particular, evaluators will take the following aspects into account:

  • The originality of the work
  • Suitability of the chosen topic, the presentation and its treatment
  • Relevance and significance of the study
  • Methodology and operating systems of the work

3.2 The contrast of results.

Once the corresponding evaluating reports have been completed, the external reviewers will recommend one of the following alternatives:

  • Publication of the study or research
  • Publication after correction of defects in form or substance (with major or minor changes)
  • No publication in the RIEEL
  • Publication in alternative journals.

If the two reviewers do not reach a unanimous position, Editorial Committee will appoint a third external reviewer from the list of reviewers. Those articles that meet the standards of reception and acceptance and observe the notes of rigour, clarity, methodology and originality will be selected for publication according to the order of reception and acceptance.

IV. Internal review process

4.1 Pre-check

Immediately after submission, the journal's Editors will perform an initial check to assess:

  1. Overall suitability of the manuscript to the journal/section/Special Issue;
  2. Manuscript adherence to high-quality research and ethical standards;
  3. Standards of rigour to qualify for further review.

Editor-in-Chief notifies the submission to an Editorial member (or a Guest Editor in Special Issue submissions) who invites to perform a check and recommend referees. Those academic editors can decide to continue with the peer-review process, reject a manuscript, or request revisions before peer-review.

Guest Editors of Special Issues cannot decide on their manuscripts submitted to their Special Issue, which would constitute a conflict of interest. An Editorial Board member will instead be responsible for decision making. The Guest Editors will not access the review process of their manuscripts except in their role as authors. 

Similarly, Editors-in-Chief or other Editorial Board members cannot access the review process of their manuscripts except in their role as authors.

4.2 Revision

In cases where only minor or major revisions are recommended, RIEEL staff will request that the author revise the paper before referring it to the academic editor. In cases of conflicting review reports, or where there are one or more recommendations for rejection, an academic editor will be requested for their judgement before a decision about revisions is communicated to authors.

Revised versions of manuscripts may or may not be sent to reviewers, depending on whether the reviewer requested to see the revised version. By default, reviewers who request major revisions or recommend rejection will be sent the revised manuscript. 

A maximum of two rounds of major revision per manuscript is usually provided. RIEEL editors will decide to continue the process if more rounds are required, according to the reviewers.

4.3 Editor Decision

The academic editor can accept manuscripts after peer-review once a minimum of two review reports have been received. An academic editor checks the following:

  1. The suitability of selected reviewers;
  2. Adequacy of reviewer comments and author response;
  3. Overall scientific quality of the paper.

The academic editor can select from the following options: Accept in current form, accept with minor revisions, reject and decline resubmission, reject but encourage resubmission, ask the author for correction, or ask for an additional reviewer.

Reviewers make recommendations, and the Editors-in-Chief or academic editors are free to disagree with their evaluations. If they do so, they should justify their decision for the benefit of the authors and reviewers.

An academic editor supports manuscript acceptance in very few instances despite a reviewer's recommendation to reject, which will be indicated and thoroughly explained. RIEEL staff will seek a second independent opinion from an Editorial Board member or the Editor-in-Chief before communicating a final decision to the authors.

Articles can only be accepted for publication by an academic editor and never by other staff members. 

RIEEL staff or Editorial Board members (including Editors-in-Chief) are not involved in processing their own academic work. Their submissions are assigned and revised by at least two independent reviewers. In this case, other Editorial Board members who do not have a conflict of interest with the authors will decide.

4.4. Production

RIEEL staff is responsible for all manuscripts performing, including language editing, copy editing, and conversion to XML. 

We require you follow the Author Guidelines to facilitate this production step.

In the few cases where extensive editing or formatting is required, we will offer authors an editing service for an additional fee (with authors' prior approval). The authors are also free to use other English editing services or consult a native English-speaking colleague—the latter being our preferred option.

Special articles

This "Special Articles" (SPE) section of publishes original, high-quality research that significantly contributes to international economics and European law. This section aims to highlight articles that provide in-depth analyses, innovative perspectives, and comprehensive studies on contemporary legal issues, thereby advancing scholarly discourse and informing practice.

Previously named "Review Articles," its name has been updated to accurately reflect the nature of the articles published in this section: original research contributions rather than secondary literature reviews.


The "Articles" (ART) section of RIEEL publishes original research contributions in international and European law. This section is open to a broad range of legal topics, encompassing doctrinal, theoretical, empirical, and interdisciplinary approaches. This section is the journal's core, providing a platform for scholarly discussions that advance legal knowledge and practice.

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