Chronicle: 4th Women Business & Justice European Forum. Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB) – 22nd September 2022


  • Yvonne Pavía The Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB)
  • Eva Andres University of Barcelona
  • Dolors Vidal Besora University of Barcelona
  • César Martínez Vaquerizo The Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB)
  • Congress Rapporteurs


The 4th edition of Women Business and Justice (2022) was born to establish the foundations for a 50/50 society where women fully participate in all areas, contributing to improving equity, democracy and good governance to make a reality fairer society. It is intended to make visible the values of modern society. Its most outstanding objectives are 1. Give visibility to female talent through its references in the world of justice, business, institutions and society, in general, to inspire women for their personal and professional growth; 2. Create a European network to advance with the Objectives of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for sustainable development in gender equality.

Author Biographies

Yvonne Pavía, The Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB)

Deputy and Treasurer responsible for the area of equality of the Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB)

Eva Andres, University of Barcelona

Full Professor of Financial and Tax Law at the University of Barcelona

Dolors Vidal Besora, University of Barcelona

Professor of Financial and Tax Law at the University of Barcelona

César Martínez Vaquerizo, The Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB)

Marketing Director of the Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB)



How to Cite

Pavía, Y., Andres, E., Vidal Besora, D., Martínez Vaquerizo, C., & Congress Rapporteurs. (2022). Chronicle: 4th Women Business & Justice European Forum. Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB) – 22nd September 2022. Review of International and European Economic Law, 1(2), Suppl. 2. Retrieved from

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